Kid’s Annual Bowlathon

Sun Mountain Fun Center 300 NE Bend River Mall Dr., Bend, OR

The annual kid’s bowlathon fundraiser!  The kids will be asking for pledges in advance from grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends, and neighbors.  Pledges can be a flat amount or per pin donation.  Payments will be made on the Friends of Amity Creek website. Make your Bowl-a-thon pledge donation here!

Bowl-A Thon

Sun Mountain Fun Center 300 NE Bend River Mall Dr., Bend, OR

Bowl-A-Thon Fundraiser at Sun Mountain Fun Center. This event will take place during the school day with each team bowling for approximately 2 hours. Hit up the grandparents and neighbors! Pledges can be per pin knocked down or a flat donation fee. Bring your best game and help us meet our fundraising goal for the year!